Prayer Updates

Leo & Florence Hung
Pray for guidance in planning next year’s ministry. Thank God for keeping us healthy, enabling us to complete last month’s intensive preaching schedule. Please pray for our unbelieving family members to come to faith soon.
(Hong Kong)
Clara Chan
May the Lord unite the December mission team in service and let them experience His presence. Pray for wisdom in following up with those interested in missions, and for my unbelieving family members to come to faith, while those who believe are strengthened.
(Hong Kong)
Pearley Kwan
Awaiting acceptance by the Japanese church as a mission partner; may the Holy Spirit guide this process. Pray that the newly hired caregiver will take good care of my father and develop a positive relationship with the family.
Xiao Na
Grateful for the continued growth in our fellowship¡Šs attendance. May more people receive salvation and join in worship. We hope that a short-term mission team can join us during Christmas to serve together.
(South Korea)
David & Carol
May the Lord grant us wisdom and strength to use various themed study activities to help international students learn more about the faith. Pray that my family will come to the Lord soon.
(South Korea)
I have returned to the mission field but have to leave the country every 60 days until I get my work permit. The poor internet connection here is affecting my online seminary courses. Please pray for wisdom as I assist with teaching and interact with both teachers and students.
Paul & Grace
May the Lord grant us wisdom, health, and strength to complete our ministries, help us continue our studies and equip ourselves, and also wisely manage our time to care for our children.
Jennifer Kwok
May the Lord bless Saturday¡Šs parenting group, that the kids will not miss it due to tutoring. I will be in the U.S. from September 25 to October 15; pray for a safe trip, protection from viruses, and successful completion of my plans. Also, pray for the two coworkers to effectively lead the ministry and groups in my absence.
Stone & Yuk Lee
Thankful for a fruitful first year at Daniel International School. This year, we need to build a kindergarten, with groundbreaking scheduled for October. We urgently seek the Lord’s continued abundant provision as before.
Low Seng Huat & Woo Siew Mui
Grateful for the chance to host various short-term mission teams and couples exploring the mission field. Pray that the preaching in Singapore this October will inspire others to respond to the call of missions. Thankful for the reunion with our children, relatives, and friends.
Stanley Ha & Ivy Fung
May God watch over the operation of the spicy restaurant, ensuring it will break even and become a base for spreading the Gospel. Also, as we start a parent enrichment course at Daniel International School, may the Gospel touch the parents¡Šhearts.
Jackson Saekow
Meeting around 40 young men four times a week at the local Juvenile Detention Center, with a focus on the Gospel. Explored potential ministry with college students and young adults at the Hope Foundation in Northern Thailand. Pray for safe travel during the rainy season and that the Holy Spirit touches the hearts of those hearing the Gospel.
Wen Yi Ho
Thank God for His mercy. On October 12, I will be ordained and appointed as Wiang Thong Church¡Šs Senior Pastor. Please pray for faithful service to the Lord. Sangpratheep School¡Šs first semester ends on October 8, and the second semester starts on October 28. Pray for the students to have peace and joy during their break.
Ding Ding & Dong Dong
Pray for the first session of the “Cross-Cultural Missionary Training” starting in October. May the Lord bless the participants and grant wisdom and strength to those in charge.
Annie Fong
September¡Šs heavy rains caused severe flooding, damaging many village facilities, and recovery will take time. Pray for God¡Šs guidance so that it will not affect the ministry expansion. I also hope to build good relationships with the villagers, understand their needs, and learn how to serve them effectively.
I am grateful for the smooth overnight evacuation, bringing church members, teachers, students, and family members to a safe area to escape the attack of the armed forces; pray for my return to service in the war zone, and ask the Lord to open a way and keep the journey safe.
Pray for the weekly three sessions of sharing messages with indigenous people. May the Lord grant wisdom and gracious words to prepare content that resonates with their culture and builds up their lives.
George & Mabel Yau
Pray for CCM Canada to recruit itinerant missionaries to small towns in the three prairie provinces, and ask God to prepare suitable people; after retirement, we will continue to serve as special voluntary missionaries of CCM Canada.
Pray for me that I will attend the CCMI AGM in Macau and stopping by Hong Kong to preach during worship services and share at different gatherings, hoping to mobilize churches to actively implement their missionary missions.
Please continue to pray for the upcoming sermons and Jewish seminars in September and October. May God give me wisdom in my preparations so that the churches understand the importance of sharing the Gospel with the Chosen People.
(USA Local Cross-Cultural)
Derek & Sindy Leung
Pray for strength and grace as we prepare to leave the Ecuador mission field in early November. Also, pray for the church brothers and sisters to stay committed to Sunday worship and Bible study group during this transition, and to remain steadfast in following the Lord faithfully.
Gregory & Maggie Har
At the end of October, we¡Šll be speaking at a mission conference at a church in San Francisco, where we¡Šll be presenting the Belize ministry over the course of three days. Please pray for God¡Šs wisdom as we prepare, and for Him to guide the church and its members to develop a heart for missions and a burden for Belize.
Alex & Elisa Lau
We are teaching seven young people in preparation for their baptism in December. Please pray for wisdom as we develop five young leaders to serve humbly. Elisa is teaching the youth to worship with hymns in both Chinese and Spanish, believing this will help them learn Chinese and spread the Gospel through music. Please also pray for our ministry and time management.
Fernando & Menye Chiu
Please pray as we plan ministries for 2025 and prepare for the deacon elections in December. for the next two-year term. Also, pray for Menye¡Šs trip to Hong Kong from Sep.16 to Oct. 11 to visit her mother, who is recovering from a stroke. May God provide safe travels and strength.
Ban & Ling
Thankful for a safe return to Hong Kong for furlough and a successful return to the mission field to host visiting teams. Pray for wisdom in managing time to reach those interested in the Gospel, and that international church families will deepen their knowledge of God and build mutual trust.
Samuel & Mary
Please pray for the 2nd-generation ministry. There are already some youth and children about to enter their teenage years in the church. Their native language is German, but the church mainly uses Burmese, which is not effective for their spiritual growth. To shepherd them, we must use German. Pray for God’s wisdom to guide us in how to care for and shepherd these young people.
From October to November, I will be conducting in-person missionary training in Asia. Please pray for God’s protection over my flights and long bus rides. Pray for wisdom in teaching students from different language backgrounds, preparing notes, and organizing their fieldwork effectively.
Thankful for witnessing graduates’ ministry during my visits; may the Lord greatly use them to build up believers. Also, may the Lord prepare my life and ministry after retirement.
Grateful for beginning my work as a visiting scholar; please pray for my adjustment to life and teaching. May the Lord guide me to a suitable church for worship and ministry involvement.
I still experience discomfort in my heart, and not knowing the cause is unsettling. Please pray for God¡Šs peace and strength as I serve. Pray also for His continued guidance over the training ministry and for more workers to join.
As One
Pray for a fruitful time sharing with church members during our return to Hong Kong for furlough. May the Lord protect the wife for a safe and smooth pregnancy and the healthy growth of the baby.
May the Lord rekindle the love for Him in the hearts of the brothers and sisters, and grant me perseverance in my ministry, as I continue to wait for their return to Him.
May the Lord provide opportunities to serve, allowing me to connect with more churches, train their leaders, and support students in remaining steadfast in the truth as they build up the church.
Grateful for the theological training courses, pastoral training courses and youth leadership training courses have been carried out smoothly. We pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom to concentrate on preparing the courses and provide all the needs.
Anointed Perceptive Dove
May the Lord to unite churches and institutions around the world to serve together and supply the needs through the Care for Christ Servants ministry. We plan to organize a team in Singapore and ask the Lord to prepare co-workers. Remember that there is health and peace in hard work.