Prayer Updates

Leo & Florence Hung
Thankful for completing the missions course successfully! Remember the safety and wonderful experience during the July mission trip to Northern Thailand with seminary students. Pray for my unsaved family members to come to the Lord soon. (Hong Kong)
Clara Chan
Pray that team members involved in local cross-cultural outreach have a burden for cross-cultural communities. May the Lord open doors to encourage young people to participate in missions, and strengthen my family to have trusting hearts in Him. (Hong Kong)
Pearley Kwan
Pray that the Lord will give me strength to complete all the theological homework in June and graduate smoothly; that my family members can attend the graduation ceremony at the end of June; and that I can have a good rest in July. (Hong Kong)
Xiao Na
In August I will lead students on an exchange trip abroad. Pray for the Lord’s protection over our journey. I also hope to meet fellow missionaries for sharing during the retreat in July. (Korea)
David & Carol
May the Lord continue to work through campus activities, giving new students more opportunities to understand the gospel. Also, pray for wisdom and love as we serve them alongside other coworkers. (Korea)
I’ve completed my naturalization and taken the oath. I pray to receive my U.S. passport in June and apply for a visa to return to the mission field. I also need to handle my father’s affairs after his passing in Hong Kong quickly. May God guide my return to the mission field at the right time. (Indonesia)
Paul & Grace
Our whole family will attend the missionary retreat in July. Pray that the Lord will keep our children close to Him. Also, pray for a smooth process in extending our visas and provision for the necessary visa fees. (Indonesia)
Jennifer Kwok
Please pray for my health as I’ve been feeling unwell and need a thorough check-up. Pray for extra strength for coworkers organizing summer activities for children due to the lack of mission team support this year. Another coworker will be in Hong Kong from May to July for furlough; pray for strength to cover her work. (Macao)
Stone & Yuk Lee
Pray for the safety and rejuvenation of all DIS faculty and staff during the holidays. Pray for blessings so that we and our children may gather and connect in love. (Thailand)
Low Seng Huat & Woo Siew Mui
Thank the Lord for allowing us to go on another trip with local colleagues to explore. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance during the process and follow-up, and pray for arrangements for hosting visiting missionary teams in June and July.(Thailand)
Stanley Ha & Ivy Fung
Pray that the business ministry (spicy restaurant) runs smoothly with stable staff and may open up opportunities for sharing the gospel. May the Lord guide the arrangements for the summer furlough so that it may bring positive sharing experiences with churches.(Thailand)
Jackson Saekow
I canceled my June and July trip to Thailand due to health issues and am receiving treatment. Pray for my quick recovery and strength to return to the mission field. Also, pray for my work sharing God’s Word in the Bay Area and my involvement in the weekly food pantry for 120 people. Also, pray for my coworker in Rayong to sustain the prison ministry during the heatwave.(Thailand)
Wen Yi Ho
Sangpratheep School started its new academic year on May 15 with 408 students and 23 coworkers. May God grant us hearts to love the students, providing them with nourishment as they come and go; grant wisdom and ability to coworkers to help students academically and reassure parents; grant the team satisfaction and joy in serving. (Thailand)
Ding Ding & Dong Dong
Pray for hosting the seminary mission team in July. May the Lord watch over our new street performance evangelism effort, so that local churches may consider this new approach. (Thailand)
Annie Fong
Praise the Lord for leading me to join the CCM mission ministry. Pray for guidance in our new preschool English learning center and the application process. May we share the gospel and build meaningful relationships in the community. (Thailand)
Thank the Lord for making the move smooth and our two daughters adapting to the new school. In June, my family went on a trip with my mother, praying for God’s blessing. (Myanmar)
Thankful for entering the third year of marriage; pray for God’s continued help for Rachael and me to love and care for each other, to testify our faith in our lives, and to serve together with one heart. (Vanuatu)
George & Mabel Yau
Pray for the arrangement of the “In-depth Visiting Training Course”for the small town visiting teams of the churches in the three Canadian prairie provinces; ask the Lord to raise up more people to participate in the service. (Canada)
Pray for the short-term mission team in Edmonton, will go to Costa Rica for a missionary mission at the end of July to visit the local Chinese, hold evangelistic gatherings for the elderly and personal evangelism courses. Pray that the Lord will use it. (Canada)
Pray for wisdom to present the important messages of “Who is the Messiah?” and “Are you ready for the end of the world?” in a concise and illustrated format on gospel tracts for non-believers, to be translated into Chinese in the future. Pray that both Jews and Gentiles may come to know the salvation of Jesus. (USA)
Derek & Sindy Leung
Ecuador relies on hydroelectric power, but droughts have caused up to ten-hour power outages. Recent rains have helped, but pray for wisdom for the government to resolve the energy crisis. We are discipling two brothers; pray for their growth in faith and knowledge of the Lord. (Ecuador)
Gregory & Maggie Har
Please pray for the preparation work, operational expenses, and recruitment of coworkers for the “Youth Dormitory”. A local brother, who broke his left leg in a car accident six years ago, still cannot walk due to lack of funds for surgery. Please pray for him. Also, pray for our need for housing and a car. (Belize)
Alex & Elisa Lau
Five young people have decided to follow the Lord and we have added a Thursday evening baptism class for them. Pray for God’s guidance in their baptism and for wisdom and love as my wife and I shepherd the church’s youth. Also, pray for the CCMUSA short-term mission team visiting from June 20 to July 4 for safety and evangelistic opportunities. (Peru)
Fernando & Menye Chiu
Please pray for the meeting with all the churches in the Assembly of Evangelical Chinese Churches of Venezuela, for the purpose of promoting activities and mutual visits among the churches to encourage and support one another. Also, pray for the Lord’s guidance as we plan a series of children’s activities during the school holidays. (Venezuela)
Ban & Ling
Pray for the international students who are about to leave, that they may come to know God. Pray for friends seeking jobs and continuing their studies to receive proper guidance. May the Lord strengthen us in hosting various mission teams. (France)
Samuel & Mary
Three years ago, we had to stop the Bible study group due to limited meeting time at the church. Now that we have more time available, we’ve decided to resume in June. Pray for God’s guidance so that our Bible study meetings can proceed smoothly and glorify Him. (Germany)
Thankful for finishing the “The Art of Mission” course in the fellowship. The course will be edited into an electronic version in June to serve as an encouragement. I’ll continue teaching “Discerning Heresies” online until June. Pray for my ministry in the small rural church, including preaching, evangelism training, and outreach.
Thank the Father for my first trip after the pandemic and surgery, and for providing companions to visit students together. May each visit strengthen them to be faithful in their roles.
May the Lord keep my body and spirit strong so that I can successfully complete my counseling course. I hope to gain more wisdom and love to better help the students.
Although the check-up results did not reveal any substantial issues, I still often feel discomfort in my heart. Please continue to pray for my health. Also, please pray for my two aunts who have cancer to come to faith soon.
As One
Thankful that the new believers are eager for the Bible and want to be close to the Lord daily. Pray for the husband’s parents to come to faith soon.
Pray for God’s wisdom in preparing suitable weekly meetings and outings to attract new friends. May the Lord also help me build deeper relationships with them.
May the Lord open doors for visiting different regions, especially more remote churches. Pray that my eldest son can find a new job soon.
Pray for the Lord to help me adapt to the new living environment, cultural circle and service ecology. Ask God to provide my monthly needs and take pleasure in God.